IntelliBoard provides analytic and reporting services to education communities and institutions that want expanded reporting and analytics for their LMS platform.

Integration Videos
We help extract the statistical data gathered within the LMS and present it on a single dashboard in the form of printable charts, graphs, and analytics.
IntelliBoard is the most comprehensive reporting and analytics platform of any LMS on the market today. Feel empowered to deliver better, more effective, more engaging learning informed by what your data is telling you. Our mantra: provide the best instantly available, easy-to-use, point-and click access to your data.

Additional Materials
IntelliBoard provides analytic and reporting services to education communities and institutions that want expanded reporting and analytics for their LMS platform. We help extract the statistical data gathered within the LMS and present it on a single dashboard in the form of printable charts, graphs, and analytics.IntelliBoard is the most comprehensive reporting and analytics platform of any LMS on the market today. Feel empowered to deliver better, more effective, more engaging learning informed by what your data is telling you. Our mantra: provide the best instantly available, easy-to-use, point-and click access to your data.
View your data INSTANTLY.The true value of data visualization lies in its ability tohelp you show – not just tell – your story.