Private SoftChalk Cloud is a tailored, privately-branded instance of SoftChalk Cloud designed to meet the needs of educational institutions.

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Private SoftChalk Cloud
Jump-start your eLearning program with Private SoftChalk Cloud
Hundreds of universities, colleges and school districts already use SoftChalk to create engaging, interactive learning content to enhance their online learning programs. Now, with Private SoftChalk Cloud, your institution can create, collect, manage and share your eLearning content in your own cloud-based learning object repository.
Custom branded for your institution
Your Private SoftChalk Cloud is completely customizable to fit your needs and to work seamlessly with your brand so it\'s unique to your institution. Your site will be branded with your institution\'s logo, color scheme, imagery and descriptive information.
Create your own content - your way
Our award-winning SoftChalk Create content authoring solution makes rapid content development a breeze, allowing educators of all technology levels to easily create, customize and personalize their eLearning content. Empowering educators to create their own eLearning content, which incorporates embedded assessment, interactivity, and immediate student feedback, will increase student engagement and improve student learning outcomes at your institution. With SoftChalk Create 9, your institution will have access to game-changing features such as, SoftChalk eBook Builderbeta, thousands of online resources with our updated Media Search tool, enhanced accessibility features, and more!
Dynamic Learning Object Repository
With Private SoftChalk Cloud, authorized instructors can collect, manage and share content in a learning object repository (LOR) unique to your institution. In your LOR, the content author, their colleagues, specific groups or the entire institution can share, reuse and repurpose the content using workgroup features that support true team-based development.
Your content and your users under YOUR control
Your institution has administrative rights to your Private SoftChalk Cloud. Administrators can manage users via password resets and \"permission groups\" with varied rights and space allocation that can be modified for each group. They also have the ability to view the site as a specific user to troubleshoot user issues, monitor feedback received through the site, view site usage statistics, and control user account creation for the site.
Secure, Scalable Cloud-based Solution
Implementing a Private SoftChalk Cloud will relieve your institution from having to purchase, setup, install and maintain local hardware and software, making it very cost-effective. Private SoftChalk Clouds are built on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform, making them highly reliable and scalable while allowing for tremendous flexibility, security and availability. Because the AWS platform is distributed, the chance of service outages is very low. This allows us to scale our service to handle growth and traffic to keep your platform running smoothly.
Integrates easily with your LMS
Each content item in your Private SoftChalk Cloud can link into multiple courses in multiple LMSs, and track student scores directly into multiple LMS gradebooks. When content changes, you just update it once, in the Cloud, and every course in every LMS that uses the content is updated simultaneously. This \"create once, use everywhere\" approach provides an efficient and cost-effective solution for developing your eLearning curriculum and is one of the key reasons institutions are implementing Private SoftChalk Clouds. Storing your content in the \'Cloud\' eliminates the need to migrate or re-create content if your institution needs to move from one LMS to another.
Up and running in a few weeks
Your Private SoftChalk Cloud implementation includes site setup and branding, migration of content from our public SoftChalk Cloud platform to the Private SoftChalk Cloud site and Cloud administrative training for two staff members.
Setup and implementation of your Private SoftChalk Cloud can typically be completed within 4-6 weeks of a finalized agreement.